Social-MediaThe results you achieve with Social Marketing is partially dependent on your business type. If you are a B2C, then you will probably have a greater return on your investment than a B2B, due to the nature of Social Marketing in general using EDDM.US can also help you. That’s not to say that B2B marketing on LinkedIn isn’t a worthwhile endeavor, but there are few Social platforms for B2B that have enough traffic to pay back a large time or money investment.

Social Marketing is probably best defined as the promotion of your business through online websites and methods that are designed to create and enhance your brand. I did not say it was designed to create leads and sales. That’s not saying it will not. It can, and does many times for businesses, but if you begin a Social Marketing campaign with the goal of measuring your cost vs your tracked sales, you will likely be very disappointed in the results.


Social Media is about conversation and communication. Let’s take a look at a couple of Social Marketing opportunities that every business should be participating in, at least in a minimum capacity.


  • You should most definitely create and have a business page on Facebook, and should be promoting it on your website.
  • When people are on Facebook, they are generally not shopping or doing research to buy. They are having conversations with friends, family and associates. They are playing games. They are having fun. Conversely, when someone is on Google, they are most definitely searching for information – many times to aid in a purchase, or simply looking to purchase.


  • The number of people using Twitter, while large, is only a fraction of the public.
  • It’s a segment of the market you shouldn’t ignore, but it’s not the same as reaching out to 70% of Internet searchers on Google.
  • Twitter is basically people text messaging to a larger audience than just their phone contact list.

One thing Facebook does provide, as well as Twitter, is the ability to ask a question and get an answer quickly, especially when it’s a business referral question like: Who is a good plumber that I can trust? The power of the crowd providing referrals – and this is why any business, whether it’s B2C or B2B, should have a Social Marketing strategy that plugs them in so the opportunity exists.But, if you are expecting to setup an advertising campaign on Social Media, with the stated goal of making sales, you better have it designated as part of your branding budget and not advertising / sales budget

In any situation its better to hire internet marketing company, who will make unique strategy for your business.