Are you sending out Newsletters? … If not, you are missing the proverbial boat.

This is why you need to do it – immediately.

  • Most of the people on your list / contact list / client list, etc. – already know you.
  • Those people will trust you and listen to what you have to say.
  • Many have already bought from you and will again.
  • The easiest up-sell and cross-sell selling you can do.
  • Easiest Referrals: When one of their associates / friends ask a question about who they would use, you will be top of mind.
  • The more people hear and read about what you have to say about any subject, the more they think of you as the expert.

How many times a month should you do it?

Twice a month or every 2 weeks – in my opinion. Anymore than that, and you risk email blindness and more unsubscribes than normal.

Who should you put on the list?

Every person you meet, email, or get a business card from. If you wait for people to subscribe to your newsletter on your website, you will be marketing to about 10 people.

What should be in the newsletter?

These are the things I use on a regular basis.

  • Your contact info with calls to action.
  • An offer or a useful bit of information they can use.
  • A joke or funny story.
  • Links to your website(s).
  • Personal referrals to your friends in business.
  • Testimonials

How long does it take to do a newsletter?

About 30 minutes for each one – Believe me, it will be your best hourly earnings you do.