LInkedIn Ads would, on the surface, appear to be one of the best advertising options for business to business, and that might be so with some business verticals or larger corporations.

The one drawback that I have seen is that they appear to have artificially set their minimum cost per click too high for most small businesses. In order to get clicks, you are paying 50% or more than you should, in my opinion, for the click through ratios to be so low.

I stumbled upon an idea that appears to be working, at least for now.

If your goal is to get your business name and message in front of as many eyes as possible – Branding – then you should take advantage of any possibilities online that will allow you to do so at the lowest cost.

Craigslist Ads are Free – Do them. This technique is also Free, or very low cost.

  • Create your Facebook Ad, then target your area, I started with just the DFW area, but am now covering the entire state, and will expand it to nationwide in another week or so.
  • Look at the suggested cost per click that Facebook suggests, and start with 30% of that amount.
  • Let your ad run for a few days. It’s unlikely you will get a click, but you will get a lot of impressions – and that’s the trick. To get as many impressions as you can while keeping the cost per click low.
  • Then increase your cost per click slowly every few days until you get a click or two.
  • Adjust your budget, cost per click, targeting area, etc., until you are where you want to be, in terms of cost.

Using this method, you should be able to get hundreds, if not thousands of Free views on your ads. When someone does click your ad, it’s likely a good lead.